söndag 22 augusti 2010

Bibelns trovärdiget - Uttåget ur Egypten

Ang. "uttåget" ur Egypten.
Jag tänker svara på påståendet om det felaktiga daterandet av händelserna till 1200-talet och citera om den historiska bakgrunden av staden Ramses.

"Chronologically, Ya'aqov; joined Josef in Egypt ca. B.C.E. 2027 (my Chronology of the Tan"kh from the 'Big Bang'). However, it remained an undeveloped area until the principal city, and regional capital-Pi-Tom, was built shortly before the birth of Moses, ca. 1547 B.C.E., in the second regnal year of Paraoh; Amun-hotep, 480 years later. It wasn't until fourteen Paraohs after Paraoh; Amun -hotep that Paraoh; Ra-Moses reigned, ca. 1293-1291 (Encarta '95)-and changed the name of Pi-Tom to Pi-Ra-Moses; after which the region dropped the "Pi" to become known simply as Ra-Moses(much later Hellenized to "Rameses"). The codifier of Torâh′ then had to identify the region originally known as Goshen by its current name, Ra-Moses, so that readers of his day would know where "Goshen" had been-734 years before.

"Scholars have mistakenly assumed from this the passage (33.3) that "Ramses," a corruption of Ra-Moses ("Ra-incarnate"), therefore, was the Pharaoh of the "Exodus." Notice two things, however. First, this city is called by two names 'Ramseis' (; "and Pi-Tom"-"2 Mosebok" 1.11)! Second, the documented tell-tale origin of his name from Pi-Ra---Moses suggests that, rather, he renovated and renamed the city, originally built by the Hebrews around B.C.E. 1470-named Pi-Tom. Egyptologists consistently demonstrate their eagerness to bury or pervert whatever facts necessary to deny, whenever possible, any connection between [a] the Habiru and the Hebrews and [b] between Ra-Moses and his adopted step-great-grandfatherx9 of almost two centuries earlier-Moses. Stupidly, overconfident Egyptologists neglected to insist on calling the correct-earlier-Paraoh, of the house of Tut-Moses, Tuthemses or something, to de-emphasize Moses. In that case, the connection to Moses might never have resurfaced. There is a diversity of opinion among Egyptologists concerning 'the correct' pronunciation and spelling of virtually every Egyptian word. The spelling used here accurately dispenses with most of the corruptions by many translators to convey the consensus opinion."

"The [exodus] occurred ca. B.C.E. 1467, simultaneous with the eruption-and consequent tsunami, volcanic ash, crop failures, etc.-of Santorini (Chronology of the Tan"kh from the 'Big Stretch-Apart (Bang)'). Thus, the Par•oh′ of the [exodus] was T*uth-MosesIII, not Ramses (which is based on failure to recognize [note 1] that the ancient Egyptian city of Pi-Tom was later renamed by Pharaoh Ramses for himself, well after the [exodus]).

Read also my docunovel about the lives of Moses & Khat-Shepsut that sheds historically accurate and scientifically credible light on the Biblical story of Moses, from adopted Egyptian deity-prince to the design and symbolisms of the Holy Ark (topped by face-to-face-mirrored-sphinxes), and the greatest love story of all time-which culminated in the [exodus] and transformed the world's civilizations for all time:The Mirrored Sphinxes)." [2]

Det finns många indicier att år 1467 är korrekt årtal. Några av dem beskrivs i detta inlägg: http://bloganders.blogspot.com/2010/08/moses-och-israelernas-utt

1:The later dating of the "Exodus" is based solely on the reference to a city called Ramses, a pharaoh who lived well after B.C.E. 1467, in "Genesis" 47:11; "Exodus" 1:11; 12:37; "Numbers" 33:3,5.

The later Biblical scribes used the city-name recognized by their readers, most of whom no longer knew its earlier name, Pi Tom.

2.Citat från: http://www.netzarim.co.il/BeitKneset/P11%20wa-Yijash.htm,http://www.netzarim.co.il/BeitKneset/P43%20Masei.htm och www.netzarim.co.il ; Glossaries; Mosheh.

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